There are 7 types of Dyslexia. Whether identified Dyslexia or just struggling with reading, improvements made with Dyslexia help is intricately woven into the fabric of the Learning Continuum.
We understand that dyslexia is not a barrier to learning but a different way of processing information. It is an inter-hemispheric/right brain challenge to interpreting symbol/sound relationships and patterns.
Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write and spell despite having at least average intelligence. Approximately 20-25% of the population has dyslexia, the severity of which can range from mild to severe.
Many are never diagnosed. Dyslexia has NOTHING to do with overall intelligence, but with the ability to process individual sounds in words, which in turn affects word recognition, decoding and spelling.
Defining Dyslexia
While dyslexia seems to be one of the most mis-understood disabilities, this is one of our favorite definitions of dyslexia as it also affirms the high level of intelligence that comes with this challenge having to do with the area of the brain that deals with letter/number symbols:
“A neurological condition; genetically based; processing problems that occur in the translation between auditory and visual representations of language… primarily with the alphabetic system.”
Sounds complicated? Right? But really it is as easy as understanding that someone has struggles with the letter/number system…. SYMBOLS.
While we do not claim to “cure” dyslexia, we DO demonstrate that students can overcome the challenges related to their individual dyslexic profile with the right kind of help.
Our help includes letter/sound blending and symbol imagery. We use the scientifically based and proven Orton-Gillingham methodologies as we adapt to student growth and successes.
This method of help with Dyslexia involves demonstrated growth in both reading and writing skills.
Students CAN read on grade level and access all learning materials needed for higher level learning. They CAN enjoy using writing as a method of expression of academic comprehension and self-expression.
Typical Warning Signs
These are some typical warning signs that your child may have dyslexia:
- Delayed speech
- Limited word recall or vocabulary
- Difficulty remembering names/labels
- Mixing up the sounds words
- Adding “t” or “l” or “r” when sounding out words
- Slow, choppy or inaccurate reading, yet good comprehension
- Difficulty sounding out unknown words
- Trouble with math (memorizing math facts; word problems)
- Poor spelling not due to teaching
- Confuses “b” and “d” or “z” and “s”
- Discrepancy between verbal and written communication
- Family relative with difficulty reading, writing, spelling or math
Not every reading challenge is truly dyslexia and needs the same type of help. Sometimes it is easy to confuse such things as auditory processing deficits as dyslexia, so many times these other things need to be ruled out before a true diagnosis of dyslexia is accurate.
Many times, parents worry that their child has dyslexia, which can be much more complicated, but if an underlying processing deficit can be corrected, then all the other pieces might fall in place.